FORUM 2008

Liverpool, UK     November 20-21

See the REPORT  [members only]


Risk management (health/sick index) and the end of life 
How to spend money, how to accomplish projects
Theft, vandalism, security
Environmental: noise, field, pollution  - issues and regulations in EU and internationally


Sharing failure information
Monitoring and evaluation of monitoring data


The FORUM this year followed on from the Euro TechCon, so participants were invited to attend both events.


Our sponsors:

The FORUM was hosted by a number of UK utilities who participate in the Strategic Technology Programme (STP) Substations Module with support from EA Technology and  TJ|H2b Analytical Services.

The STP Substations Module is coordinated by EA Technology on behalf of the following UK utilities, who are members of the AMforum:

CE Electric
Central Networks
EDF Energy
ScottishPower plc
Scottish & Southern Energy plc
United Utilities
Western Power Distribution

Venue:  Hotel Adelphi